rev. 10/02/2025
International RufzXP Soapbox
published weekly by DL4MM
supported by DARC Committee DX and HF-Contesting
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[USER] 10/12/2024
practice makes you practice more, if you know what I mean!!!
[W6VDA] 10/12/2024
practice makes you practice more, if you know what I mean!!!
[DL2SDS] 10/12/2024
knapp die 20k verfehlt ...
[W6WDA] 10/12/2024
Please help me with touch typing...
[OE3SPR] 09/09/2024
Finally beat myself again!
[YT1BX] 23/10/2023
Not bad after 7+ years of no practice ' + CHR(93) + '-) . Hope to improve score in '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''future...GL
[OE3SPR] 28/08/2023
See you in Primorsko ;)
[HB9GNY] 24/07/2023
Tnx es vy 73 de Manuel, HB9GNY
[OE3SPR] 11/04/2023
Let''s see how often I really beat my own score within the same week, hi!
[OE3SPR] 13/03/2023
1st attempt on submitting a score
[NF1R] 21/02/2023
First attempt'' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''
[VE3RWJ] 13/02/2023
the default 50 call signs, starting at 28 WPM. Let''s see what you got, Jenna!
[KE7UAE] 13/02/2023
climbing the learning curve - slowly
[DG5CW] 13/02/2023
MNY THX FER FB RufzXP FUN ' + CHR(93) + '-) 73 de Tom
[HB9GNY] 27/12/2022
Tnx, HNY es vy 73 de Manuel, HB9GNY
[G4PVM] 19/12/2022
Great program!
[DC8VS] 07/11/2022
Thanks for the softare solution RufXP.
[EA3NR] 24/10/2022
Training for a new beggining...
[LA7MFA] 26/09/2022
Just another best score. The third one in two days!
[LA7MFA] 26/09/2022
New record the same day. I am getting closer and closer to 60K. Amazing!
[SP5LGT] 19/09/2022
Best speed SP5LGT
[LA7MFA] 19/09/2022
New best high speed
[LA7MFA] 19/09/2022
Best speed, just testing what speed I can copy going down from very high speed.
[W2ID] 05/09/2022
Tried a set of Bose noise canceling headphones. It improved my score a lot!
[DG5CW] 29/08/2022
slowly getting faster ' + CHR(93) + '-D
[YO8YNS] 29/08/2022
'' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''Greetings mr. Mathias Kolpe, I hope you like what you see, I will send you the next days also a 322K record. Best regards and hope to see you in Serbia at the world championship. 73 from YO8YNS & YO8SLC !
[DG5CW] 29/08/2022
managed the 37WpM ' + CHR(93) + '-)
[DG5CW] 25/07/2022
early morning training pays off ' + CHR(93) + '-)
[DG5CW] 25/07/2022
getting better ' + CHR(93) + '-)
[DG5CW] 18/07/2022
after strong morning coffee ' + CHR(93) + '-)
[DG5CW] 18/07/2022
after a strong morning coffee things went slightly better ;-)
[DG5CW] 18/07/2022
getting slowly better...
[DG5CW] 04/07/2022
1st steps in cw ...
[CURLY] 06/06/2022
Learnt Morse Code Airforce 1956, RAAF Teleg then Aircrew Signaller
[DL7UN] 28/02/2022
vielen dank für das fb-Programm, macht Spaß,'' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''73 de Bruno DL7UN
[HA7SBQ] 19/02/2022
RufzXp is an awesome program!'' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''I like it!
[HA7SBQ] 27/01/2022
[2E0DBS] 17/01/2022
First attempt
[F1LYS] 07/12/2021
new attempt 73
[F1LYS] 07/12/2021
New attempt 73
[VK3QB] 07/12/2021
Out of practice... this is fun, need to spend more time on air and using this fun tool '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''
[NN0G] 02/11/2021
Been a while since I ran this
[NN0G] 02/11/2021
Been a while since I ran this.
[VE3NRT] 02/11/2021
First one of the day seems to be always bad. This was the second one.
[HB9GNY] 25/10/2021
What a Week! First Time over 30k and new (personal) Top Speed. Tnx es vy 73 de Manuel, HB9GN
[DJ3XM] 07/06/2021
Wiedereinsteiger in CW nach fast 30 Jahren.
[SV5DKL] 31/05/2021
After loooooong time ...
[LY3I] 31/05/2021
First try
[M0WIV] 17/05/2021
Just a beginner...
[HB9CSA] 17/05/2021
Gratulation zum Knacken der 60k-Barierre!
[HB9CSA] 17/05/2021
Happy to break the 60k wall
[IK1ZUV] 17/05/2021
Thank you Mathias, i am very happy, RufzXP is very good software, useful and funny. 73 de IK1ZUV Davide
[NN0G] 19/04/2021
Slowly improving. Using training mode at 30 helps.
[VK3QB] 11/04/2021
First time user! This looks like fun
[VE3NRT] 15/03/2021
Typing is a secondard challenge. Also if I get something wrong I start to wonder why and miss the next one.
[NN0G] 25/01/2021
First try!
[K1ECU] 11/01/2021
First run at RufzXP
[KM3A] 23/11/2020
Moving on up!
[W0AAE] 13/11/2020
16-year-old amateur radio operator.
[W0AAE] 13/11/2020
16-year-old amateur radio operator.
[EW1BO] 02/11/2020
Best Wishes From Minsk (Belarus)!
[M0RJC] 12/10/2020
Started at 22
[M0RJC] 12/10/2020
18wpm start (following CWOPs instructions) More practice on numbers needed.
[YB7XO] 12/10/2020
I need to work on my typing to get higher scores.
[yb7xw] 12/10/2020
I need to work on my typing to get higher scores
[W0OJ] 25/09/2020
[N5PSI] 31/08/2020
Trying to get my CW speed up after years of inactivity. Using this program for several days now and it is really helping me.
[K3NK] 18/05/2020
Great Program
[IZ6CUS] 13/05/2020
Back to CW after a loooooong time. So excited!
[M0RJC] 27/04/2020
Covering the top half of the window meant I wasn''t trying to read my last result while it was sending the next. Started doing this half way through. Getting better! Those dots come fast at 30wpm!
[M0RJC] 06/04/2020
Got flustered when I saw the current speed indication, so quit half way through.
[VK2WF] 09/03/2020
cw very rusty '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''
[K1EBY] 02/02/2020
Had a bunch of errors, but mostly due to fingers hitting wrong keys!!
[K2HZO] 10/01/2020
[WA6FYD] 09/12/2019
After all these years my RUFZXP must be worn out. My speeds are subpar. The letters in the tests show faint repetitions of letters. I’m 90 now so I expect to slow down a bit. I think I need to reinstall a new copy.
Happy Holidays to you and everybody.
[DL4MM]: over the years you successfully squeezed out all the callsigns from RufzXP! :) You are doing extremely well at the age of 90. Even if you are slow down a bit, you still beat a lot of the younger guys!
Happy holidays!
[DG6FFG] 06/10/2019
first attempt ever
[W7EEE] 27/08/2019
new high score! Thanks for your service.
[F6EEQ] 03/02/2019
Mi first attemp!! Must do better.
[IK5WOB] 03/02/2019
thank you very much for the beautiful and useful software and for the work you do for all of us ham radio.
[G3XVL] 29/01/2019
getting better!
[G3XVL] 29/01/2019
getting better!
[PA2PWM] 07/01/2019
Still improving thanks to your great program!
[VK4JU] 07/01/2019
[PE1JFN] 10/12/2018
'I will try to push myself to the higher scores coming months, 2nd day since long time ago, my previous score already exceeded ' + CHR(93) + ')...'' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''TNX for keeping this tool active on line,
[PE1FJN] 03/12/2018
Time for some discipline
[K7PAX] 19/11/2018
Haven''t practiced for almost two years. Gotta get it back for a contest next week. This will get me in shape. Thanks!
[W4CMG] 05/11/2018
My initial speed at SEDCO in late September was 11 WPM max and 189 points. I have a long way to go, but this program is really helping!
[K2NPN] 22/10/2018
This is fun.....only problem is, I can not type that fast anymore (-:
[AC6ZM] 01/10/2018
Geting better!
[AD0RX] 03/09/2018
Stopped hitting F6
[M0SET] 03/09/2018
Thanks Mathias for keeping Rufz going for CW fans everywhere. You''re doing us a great service.
[PA2PWM] 29/08/2018
tnx, improving every day..
[F5PLC] 20/08/2018
Training again since 2 weeks.Happy with this new score . . . Best wishes 73 Mike F5PLC
[K1KU] 09/08/2018
Tnx fer the great software
[K1KU] 28/03/2018
Tnx fer the great software
[VE1NSS] 19/03/2018
Getting better!
[W3PNM] 05/03/2018
Great software!
[G0IBN] 26/02/2018
First time - good fun !!!
[IK0YUP] 31/10/2017
Back on the key!!
[F5PLC] 07/08/2017
Thank you very much for this very good software.
[NS8O] 30/07/2017
Nice practice program!
[K1KU] 15/05/2017
I''m a month away from having circled our sun 81 times. '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''Therefore I''d better get a move on to improve my code proficiency. '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''Thanks for the great software. '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''73 de Darrel, K1KU '' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + '''' + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ''
[WA6FYD] 04/05/2017
I first reported a score a few years ago when I was only in my early old age. Now this current score is at age 87.
[VE9IC] 11/04/2017
congratulation, I like it .
[AD4ES] 24/03/2017
Finally broke 12000. Feels great.
[DB4UM] 10/03/2017
faster and faster
[K7PAX] 13/02/2017
Thank you for the encouragement Mathias. I am working hard and practicing every day. I was very gratified to see that I actually reached 36 wpm as I could barely make 20 wpm just a few weeks ago.
[K7PAX] 10/02/2017
Love this tool and working hard to increase my speed and accuracy.
[DJ9TA] 01/01/2017
hier Michael aus Hamburg, DJ9TA, Platz z.Zt. 725, ich arbeite dran. Vielen Dank für das tolle CW-Übungsprogramm und Deiner damit verbundenen Arbeit! 73 de DJ9TA
[PD2R] 04/11/2016
4th attempt ever. Been studying CW for 8 weeks now and a couple of day ago started to use this program. Like it a lot because it keeps pushing you to increase your copying speed. Very Nice.
[DD4WK] 31/10/2016
My very first participation
[W0CP] 12/10/2016
Rufz has inspired me to get out of my comfort zone. I'm enjoying the challenge.
[DF4ER] 12/10/2016
Jeder fängt `mal klein an.
[CO8ZZ] 05/09/2016
My very first try!!!... hope to improve, I''ll really enjoyed it!
[VA7CPC] 24/07/2016
Just getting back to speed -- lesson . . . Don't quit CW for several years, and then come back to it.
[KG5NHE] 30/05/2016
This is the most awesome cw trainer ive ever seen.
[KG5NHE] 30/05/2016
Getting back into code.
[K7RJ] 11/02/2016
Getting better. Every day a couple of sessions - and not reporting my really bad runs!! HI
[LU3HO] 09/11/2015
excellent software!!
[M0SET] 11/10/2015
A few erbs and a bit of Benson!
[AF6GA] 04/09/2015
thank you for the very FB application. It's definitely helping to drag my speed up a bit. 73, Phil AF6GA
[NA6O] 18/08/2015
First time running rufz on a terrible office computer. Awful speaker, can''t hardly copy!!
[KF2MR] 13/07/2015
Just getting started this week. Using the program between code practice to get my speed from 13 wpm to 20-25wpm.
[SQ9ETN] 29/06/2015
Thank You for very nice software for learning CW
[K2NPN] 31/05/2015
A real nice and fun practice.
[N7WY] 10/05/2015
Getting back to using this helpful tool !
[OV2V] 03/05/2015
1st attempt in RUFZXP
[WD5CBW] 14/04/2015
Very good program. I need to sit with better posture and maybe use a keyboard that has a better layout than my laptop. I have a hard time with numbers on this keyboard.
[HB9ERD] 12/04/2015
Just beginning with RufzXP...
[WV3P] 06/04/2015
Great program! Determination is what gets the job done. I will succeed.
[PA3CUJ] 08/03/2015
I am starting again for morse it was a long time ago that i learn '' + ''that.
[JP7DIG] 01/02/2015
I got a new computer for my 11th birthday.
[PE1FJN] 01/01/2015
Glad I found this excellent training tool ! 2015 I will go 100?AMBIC, use K7QO training files, bi-daily min 1 QSO, and bi-daily RUFZxp training, and track progress.'' + '''' + ''TARGET 2015, comfortable 20WPM CW QSO's.
[PA3U] 27/10/2014
Jet again new personal best ;-)
[PA3U] 10/10/2014
After being sick, not bad for a first time -p
[HB9DHG] 21/07/2014
My new personal record ! Glad I achieved this )
[DF9TS] 04/07/2014
Es geht nur besser mit Gemuetlichkeit..
[DL2YBG] 26/06/2014
Es macht einfach Spass - Danke
[AC5SH] 25/04/2014
My new score 15327, 273 CPM. In memory of Nancy, WZ8C/SK.
[K6RB] 24/03/2014
Done at 37,000 feet on Virgin America flight from SFO to JFK ). All my efforts have been done on airplanes using noise-cancelling headphones.
[KG7JOD] 21/03/2014
8 years old
[HB9DHG] 27/01/2014
Made a new personal record speed during competition. nice .. but have to improve few things!!
[ON6NL] 21/01/2014
In training
[DK2RO] 17/01/2014
still hoping to make the 30k
[HB9CSA] 05/01/2014
now in new category. hi '' + ''happy new year 2014!!!
[DK2RO] 04/01/2014
Next Stop 30K'' + ''-)
[HB9CSA] 16/12/2013
Merry Xmas and HNY 2014 Matthias!'' + ''Many tnx for all your fine work.'' + ''Vy73 Fritz HB9CSA, DL4FDM
[DC2HR] 08/12/2013
After a break of 6 months I reached my personal best results of 1000 '' + ''and 2000 points today. Still a little bit rusty.
[PA3BHM] 07/12/2013
progress after long time, tx 73
[DK2RO] 01/12/2013
First submit - hope to reach 25k next time.'' + ''
[ZS1SA] 21/06/2013
Great fun. First attempt.
[DJ9ZJ] 05/06/2013
Und das ist erst der Anfang
[K6RB] 06/05/2013
Done during flight from Washington D.C. to San Francisco
[HA3SY] 24/04/2013
Yaaaaaaay!!! New personal high score in some 3 years!!! :)
[DL9EBG] 03/03/2013
Neueinsteiger - macht Spaß....
[DK5XO] 20/02/2013
Vormittags läuft alles wie geschmiert. Abends nach 1-2 halben Litern geht gar nix mehr, hi.
Macht aber trotzdem Spaß.....
Vy 73 aus Hamburg
de Wolfgang
[DK5XO] 16/02/2013
Juhu, endlich die 10000er Hürde geschafft - aber immer noch NIE fehlerfrei alle 50 Rufz aufgenommen. Sollte vielleicht mal einen "Schreibmaschinen-Kurs" belegen, damit ich blind
die richtigen Tasten finde. Mit 2 Fingern wird´s oft eng....aber ich arbeite daran !
SUPER-Programm - fragen Sie aber erst Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker nach eventuellen Nebenwirkungen !
Vy 73 aus Hamburg de Wolfgang, DK5XO
[IT9VDQ] 16/02/2013
now definitely back home to Sicily, so no more "IT9VDQ/P" but only "IT9VDQ" .... 73 de Gius, IT9VDQ
[VA7DZ] 13/02/2013
[NQ6N] 13/02/2013
[NQ6N] 04/02/2013
[DL2YBG] 15/01/2013
Danke für das super Programm.
Da macht üben richtig Spass - trotz allem Frust zwischendurch :-)
[HB9CSA] 14/01/2013
Yeah, finaly 50k :-)
[HB9CSA] 04/01/2013
Happy New Year!
[HB9CSA] 22/12/2012
Es wird Zeit fuer 50k :-)
Merry Xmas and HNY2U
[DF1SA] 05/12/2012
Endlich wieder mal Punkte
[DF1SA] 05/12/2012
Endlich wieder mal Punkte
[AC5SH] 29/11/2012
14240 points, 281 cpm. A little practice every day gets improvement :)
Tim, AC5SH
[HB9CSA] 21/11/2012
Tnx for all zour fine work Matthias!
[KB5DXB] 18/11/2012
I love this game! I can really tell when I skip practice... my score really suffers. When I practice my score rises quickly. This is like eating salted nuts...the better I get the more I am enthused about more practice. Was B.F. Skinner a German? This behavorial experiment has grabbed me big time. Thank you for this program. K6RB and you are my CW heroes.
[DC2HR] 08/11/2012
My first attempt after completing the lessions on lcwo. There's still a lot to be done.
[DL2RMC] 01/11/2012
habs noch nicht verlernt, nach gut 2 Jahren ohne RufzXP
[DD0VS] 25/10/2012
109 bpm is not enough for WAG :-(
[GM0FFB] 03/09/2012
I really need to learn to touch type, im currently writing the calls down on paper first then typing them into the PC.
I dont think i can write any faster. ;-) Great program i wish that i'd found it years ago.
73s to all.
[DL1KBB] 26/07/2012
first CW after 10 years
[HB9BJL] 21/07/2012
Heute morgen liefs wieder einmal sehr gut ! Die Fortschritte stellen sich langsam ein, aber es geht vorwärts...
Hoffentlich sehe ich möglichst viele von Euch sich an der HST2012.
[HB9BJL] 15/07/2012
Morgens läufts am besten !
[AC5SH] 14/07/2012
Finally!! I think it took two years to improve on my last post. My fault of course, due to not really putting consistent time into it but FINALLY 281 CPM and 13139 :)
Tim, AC5SH
[OH3GGQ] 09/07/2012
Started training today 8.July 2012...let's see how far we go :)
[JP7DIG] 10/06/2012
I will call CQ next weekend for All Asia Contest. My contest number will be "5NN8" because I am 8 years old. I am a cub scout. 73!
[DO1YCL] 24/05/2012
Punktlandung auf 13000
[SV2KBS] 23/04/2012
Fabian, I'm coming close man, you'd better get into serious practice cuz you'll be in trouble soon :-P
[DL1NKS] 10/04/2012
thanks to my coach
[N5NK] 01/04/2012
I'm not there yet but I'm getting there!
[OZ3SM] 03/03/2012
Little has also rights!!!!
[WB3CQM] 20/02/2012
I am very happy to be working at call sign copy on your web site. This is a very outstading program you have created. I can do this in my own home. Not only a chance to compete against others but to improve my cw skills . It takes much practice and consintration. I applaude those that have achieved such top scores and speeds.
I know I will never get to those high speeds. I will be lucky if I would ever see 50 wpm. Due to age , lack of training , poor hearing. I have fired most likely 1,000,000 shot gun rounds without the use of hearing protection. I have ringing in my ears full time and at times chirping in the left ear. I miss some letters because a dit may not even show up at some tones. But that is not really holding me back from high speeds. I would say lack of training and proper drill work when I first learned code over 35 years ago. I started about a year ago to practice at RufzXP by suggestion of my good friend TF4M . It was one of the best things I have done with cw , that is practice and train at RufzXP.
This has been very rewarding and has without a doubt improved my ability to copy calls for contesting and dxing. I hope to continue to drill and hand in new record breaking scores for WB3CQM record . LOL !
I handed in my first score and continue in part because I am trying to get interest started in this area of Pa to do your RufzXP call sign copy. I really know of no one in the general area and am hoping my indevure will get local hams and new hams interested in cw . I am really trying hard to stimulate some competion and interest in your program.
So maybe this will all fade away in the near future for me . But I would find it hard to beleive any one can match RufzXP.
73 JIM
[OE6JTD] 05/02/2012
die Steigerung geht schon sehr langsam........aber das Programm macht mir sehr viel Spaß-Freude
[AH8DX] 04/02/2012
Just two years ago, I made my first Rufz attempt and could barely copy 30wpm. I would have never thought that copying @ 500wpm was even possible back then. If you ever want to succeed at anything, have someone tell you that you will NEVER do it or that you will FAIL; then go to work and dig deep down within to find the willpower to succeed. I look forward to the competition @ HST 2012 in Switzerland this year.
[K2NPN] 31/01/2012
Too many type O's. I need to type faster and better.
[DM5LS] 29/01/2012
weiter üben, üben, üben...
[VA7DZ] 24/01/2012
[TI2/NA7U] 24/01/2012
Inching upward... takes a LOT of work!
[IK1GKH] 19/12/2011
.. and is been a pleasure use the software that in my opinion is a big job for all peoples that love CW and absolutely a nice nice exercise of rx also if only for call. ..
[TI2/NA7U] 12/12/2011
Like beating your head against a brick wall, ... but ... it works!!
[DL2HWI] 02/12/2011
Erster Versuch, hi.
[W2ID] 16/11/2011
I started at 400 CPM and calmed my nerves and copied the first call correctly, on the first try! I should have not pressed F6 to confirm it, and I would have gotten even more credit for it. Other than that, my best speed was 325, with a miss by one dit at 335. Still having lots of fun with Rufz after all these years!
[ON6KE] 10/11/2011
FUN RufzXP is!!!
[ON6KE] 10/11/2011
I will have fun with it, LOVE it!!
[HB9CSA] 28/10/2011
Noch viel Luft nach oben...hi
[DL4OCE] 26/10/2011
Erster Versuch
[DC7CCC] 25/10/2011
First Try,
[GM4MPY] 07/10/2011
i think the breathing exercises are working, plus a bit more practice on the keyboard.
[GM4MPY] 04/10/2011
as my score slowly goes up using your amazing rufzXP my consumption of becks beer is going down.
I may have to seek medical advice.hi hi
[DL9RCF] 03/10/2011
I like Rufz!
[WI2E] 30/09/2011
LOL. The highs and lows of this one.
[N2OO] 27/09/2011
1st try
[KQ1X] 26/09/2011
Finally 60 WPM!
[HB9BJL] 19/09/2011
Heute lief es per Zufall sehr gut !
[SV2KBS] 19/09/2011
Fabian, here I come !!! :-P
[AD6GP] 27/08/2011
Broke 10000 after 3 days of training. Will probably hit a wall soon.
[AD6GP] 26/08/2011
Copying calls has always been the weakest part of my CW skills. This should fix that - in a hurry. The Thanks for this barbaric little Medieval torture program. 200CPM should come soon. 250? Probably a lot less soon!
[HB9CSA] 19/08/2011
Schwein gehabt!
[E29BUQ] 11/08/2011
Have to pratice more if would to good at.
[E29BUQ] 10/08/2011
Nice to practice with Rufzxp is very good to begin. Thank you for your software AR
[E29BUQ] 10/08/2011
Very Nice Program to learning CW.
[R3LC] 10/08/2011
My first test.
[GI0RTN] 09/08/2011
A new record after many years - set in the southern hemisphere! 73 de ZS1/Gi0RTN
[DL4UNY] 01/08/2011
Es geht langsam vorwaerts :-)
[N3IQ] 01/08/2011
getting slower as I get older...
[W4WJK] 31/07/2011
this is very cool application. I've been off the air for years...
Nice way to get myself retrained for high speed morse.
[PA3S] 19/07/2011
Thank you for this mity fine programe!
[AE4RV] 11/07/2011
Wow, I can't believe I hit 44 WPM - thanks very much to RufzXP! 73
[AH8DX] 08/07/2011
"Type what you hear NOT what you think you heard."
[HA8KW] 05/07/2011
SRI, again: a new speed record :-)
[HA8KW] 05/07/2011
Now the max speed is the best ever I achieved :-)
[JO7UEB] 05/07/2011
My first attempt.
[DO1YCL] 04/07/2011
Finally achieved with the new "Soundcard" 200cpm finally a pleasurable without "popping
[AH8DX] 02/07/2011
Struggle, struggle, struggle and then a gift; copying at these speeds seems to be getting. It's like a switch flipped on. Just need to be more consistant now.
[DL4MAU] 24/06/2011
1. Versuch
[DF1VB] 21/06/2011
"The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand.
The ordinary telegraph is like a very long cat.
You pull the tail in New York, and it meows in Los Angeles.
The wireless is the same, only without the cat."
(Albert Einstein)
[PY2XH] 16/06/2011
[K5ZM] 15/06/2011
Startin' to come back to me ;)
[IK6BAK] 14/06/2011
Great software RUFZ !
[HA8KW] 06/06/2011
Now the speed is increased a bit... HI!
[K5FAL] 30/05/2011
Steady progress towards Field Day…73
[N3AM] 30/05/2011
PC speaker and sticky keyboard
[JK3GAD] 15/05/2011
Finally I broke my record established 3 years ago
[DF2OK] 02/05/2011
Beginning with some Training with the MorseMachine helps, indeed. And this just before I go to bed. Funny.
[DK1WV] 20/04/2011
Nach langer Zeit mal wieder ein neuer Highscore..
[DF2OK] 19/04/2011
Eine kleine Steigerung nach langer Pause.
[DF2OK] 18/04/2011
Ich übe noch...
[HB9BJL] 12/04/2011
Heute lief es ausnahmsweise besonders gut mal sehen, ob ich das wieder hinbekomme :-)) Allen viel Spass beim RufzXP
73 es CWFE de Chris, HB9BJL
[DL5DRM] 16/02/2011
ufb Übungsprogramm für CW!!! Macht Spaß beim Tempotraining!
vy73 de Micha, DL5DRM
[K4XL] 11/02/2011
Enjoyed my first attempt! Hope to improve my score soon. Running on Windows 7 64 bit with no trouble.
[DL6OAP] 13/01/2011
Finally some slight improvement!!!
[DL6OAP] 13/01/2011
Can see the 70 k from here :-)
[OE9AMJ] 30/12/2010
ok for the first time
[HB9DHG] 30/12/2010
Thanks one more time to my main sponsors: HB9FBM and HB9FBS Happy New Year 2011 to all! Vy 73 de HB9DHG Fulvio
[OM/F6FNL] 21/12/2010
Fun after a while... Laptop computer not really good for this 'training' HI
[K5FAL] 20/12/2010
73 to Ruz!
[HB9DHG] 17/12/2010
This is another great day to catch a new record. After playing all the night with HB9FBS Goran
and few suggestion from HB9FBM Fabio (as well myself) I got it!
I love RufzXP.
Vy 73 de HB9DHG
[HB9DHG] 15/12/2010
I did it once again ! thank you Fabio HB9FBM and Goran HB9FBS to
always push me on top ;-)
[OE5FIN] 13/12/2010
Konnte noch mal eins drauflegen hi..........
[ZL2SKY] 30/11/2010
Absolutely love this software, it has helped me a lot in learning my cw receiving again. Many thanks to all involved in it's developement.
73 de Allan ZL2SKY.
[AE6RF] 20/11/2010
Second try after a long break. Did do California QSO Party and ARRL CW Sweepstakes in between.
[WB3CQM] 14/11/2010
Now I am using RufzXP for the first time and just having a blast . What a fun program and very cool to compete against myself. I am sure this will help me greatly to improve my copy and typing .
[DL3BSD] 05/11/2010
Ein prima Programm. Es spornt an besser zu werden. Na, aber es macht Spass damit zu üben.
73 Dieter
[WI4T] 27/10/2010
Looking for 10K
[WI4T] 28/09/2010
Finally got past the 7500 barrier and the 37 wpm barrier.... hopefully the sky is the limit. What a great program!
[M6CKY] 28/09/2010
hi. Second attempt, doubled the score. I just wish to keep this pace!
[M6CKY] 28/09/2010
Great little app, better than all I've tried before. I'll keep using it. Thanks!
[VK3BLN] 25/09/2010
First attempt after over a year of no CW
[WI2E] 09/09/2010
Thank you. I have very much enjoyed RufzXP, and I was thrilled to finally make it to 40k. I will definitely keep working with the program. Thank you very much for making the Toplist competition run so smoothly. I am certain that I am not alone in having great appreciation for your efforts to make RufzXP such an enjoyable activity.
[KR7C] 02/09/2010
Thanks to you for the very useful program!!
[SV2HWR] 28/08/2010
I beat my own score for third time !!!!
[SV2HWR] 26/08/2010
ufb day i've break my score twice and my speed record!!
[NI0C] 20/08/2010
Also achieved new topspeed today 366 cpm!
73, Chuck NI0C
[NI0C] 20/08/2010
Finally broke the 25K barrier!
[AC5SH] 18/08/2010
Slow improvement beats none at all :)
Tim O'Conner, AC5SH
[K5FAL] 18/08/2010
Thanks, Rufz!
[K5FAL] 15/08/2010
I'm probably driving you nuts sending in my low scores.
[DL4MM: Not at all! A semi-automatically system is applied to validate and store the score submissions and to generate the weekly top lists. An incoming score takes just a few seconds to process. So please submit as much you can :-;]
[SP9HZX] 13/08/2010
RufzX is really a great soft and I have a lot of fun with it even after 37 years in ham radio.
Nice to be on the list, in the company of the best cw operatorators. Even on one of the last places.
Best 73 and hope to meet you on the air one day
[K4GDW] 04/08/2010
This program appears to work fine on Windows 7 64bit also.
[KE5FRF] 29/07/2010
.. Significant improvement. I learned how to use the f6 function and to start at highest comfortable speed.
[KE5FRF] 27/07/2010
Not bad for a first try!
[N5ILN] 25/07/2010
It's coming back...slowly...
[N5ILN] 24/07/2010
It's been a while...
[K5FAL] 18/07/2010
I hope I'm not wearing you out posting my score all the time. I'm having alot of fun.
[AH8DX] 14/07/2010
Breaking into the Top 100 of my age group is near.
[F6FNA] 09/07/2010
Always enjoy with rufzxp.
Best 73
Jean Pierre f6fna
[KN8J] 30/06/2010
yep, i need practice
[KN8J] 30/06/2010
hmm..this may be doable
[K5FAL] 26/06/2010
This program makes practice a lot of fun.
[AH8DX] 16/06/2010
(7M) Seven Mexico, I am climbing! Are you coming with me or not?
[K5FAL] 16/06/2010
well i am improving. this program has helped me with numbers more than anything. thanks.
[AH8DX] 12/06/2010
I had just worked a 16 hour day and sat down to do a few RufzXP runs just exhausted. As I sat there, it appears that I was fighting to stay awake. Once the run was over, I looked at the score and couldn't believe what I was looking at. I usually stop after I hit a new high but thought to myself, why not try some more and those were amazing also. I know I was super tired because I went to sleep right afterwards and slept for 10 hours straight.
[NZ0Z] 08/06/2010
Love it. I know it is a sorry score, but must start somewhere. This will definetly help me get my skills improved for next cw contest. Then all I will need is an antenna. hihi
[N4BKT] 06/06/2010
Great program- so much fun- thanks!
[MM0GPZ] 02/06/2010
Slightly better, waiting to crack 10k.
[K5FAL] 29/05/2010
What a great program!
[MM0GPZ] 25/05/2010
Back in training and looking to crack 10k for 1st time.
[SV2HWR] 24/05/2010
new score after 3 weeks practicing every day and new speed record!!
[N0PFE] 17/05/2010
getting better.
[K1ZR] 16/05/2010
I love RUFZ!
[AH8DX] 14/05/2010
I am so happy to submit a NEW PERSONAL BEST to you today. You know that I continue to work hard and that I will never give up no matter how difficult things may get.
[NG7M] 13/05/2010
I beat my score again... just by a little but with a higher cpm!
[NG7M] 11/05/2010
This isn't my high score, but I hit my high Speed! A mile stone for me! 250 CPM / 50 WPM.
[NG7M] 10/05/2010
I beat my high score again!
[DJ4CW] 10/05/2010
Finally some improvement!
[DF1HE] 09/05/2010
Step by step...
[K9MRD] 30/04/2010
I took about a year off from RuFz and am just starting again. I find the program addictive! Great system!
[YO9CWY] 27/04/2010
I'm afraid this result will last little longer . . .
Thank you Mathias for such a nice program. It is quite well fitted for self-improving performance.
I am honoured to be on your list.
[YO9CWY] 26/04/2010
I'm afraid this result will last little longer . . .
Thank you Mathias for such a nice program. It is quite well fitted for self-improving performance.
I am honoured to be on your list.
[DJ1YFK] 22/04/2010
A giant leap from 269k to 297k! "Normal" speed range, but 7 out of 8 slashed calls copied correctly for a lot of extra points.
[YO9CWY] 22/04/2010
Still in progress . . .
[DL6OAP] 22/04/2010
Just cracked 60 k points!
[YO9CWY] 15/04/2010
Again, I started training.
[DF6FR] 14/04/2010
Very urgent training sessions for German Championship. At least a new personal record!
[AH8DX] 10/04/2010
Good things are happening with hard work but I find myself trying too hard. I still have not learned how to relax; but I will in time.
[DJ1YFK] 07/04/2010
New record in spite of a Windows Update message popping up in the middle of the attempt, asking me to reboot (Rufzus Interruptus)!
[KG5U] 06/04/2010
been away for a took me a few weeks to get a score higher than my old 18k point score. :-)
[DJ1YFK] 31/03/2010
Crazy. 3rd day in a row with a new world record (256k, 260k, 268k). I have no idea what is going on, but it appears that I made it past some magical plateau...
[DJ1YFK] 30/03/2010
Increased my start speed from 686cpm to 724cpm. First attempt: 260k points, new personal record. Wow. One step closer to the magical 300k!
[DK1AX] 29/03/2010
After a "terrible" WPX in SSB, now I enjoy RufzXP! Thank you for this great program.
[DJ1YFK] 29/03/2010
After a few dozen very good attempts above 240k over the last few weeks, it was about time for a new highscore. Achieving this right after the WPX SSB weekend speaks for itself :-).
Looking at my best attempts, I still see plenty of room for improvement. I am so bold to say that 300k as a long term goal is realistic; it'd require hitting 1000cpm in a regular attempt, some 10% above my current average top speed.
[AH8DX] 25/03/2010
I really enjoy using your program along with LCWO; it really is helping me get better.
[PY7GK] 18/03/2010
I would like to thank for this wonderful and pleasure way to improve my hability in morse code. Best regards,
Cris - PY7GK
[SV2KBS] 14/03/2010
I just decoded a 80WPM callsign !
Although I was not in my "high-scoring" mood since I've been practicing for over an hour tonight and my head felt rather heavy, I thought to run a really fast (for me) session only for training (not attempt for high score), to have my head used at those speeds !!
And oh my my !!!! I heard a quite readable buzz and I "felt" that it was W1JJ ! And it was !!! And it was awesome to see that yellow face at the side smiling at me !!!!!!!!!
I just couldn't believe it !!!!! I say "felt" because anything above 70WPM for me is a "feeling". Hard to explain, but at lower speeds, I can clearly distinguish each letter, even if I do lots of mistakes - anything above 70WPM, which at my good days it sounds just very fast, yet feasible, whilst on my bad days it sounds rather like a buzz, not feasible - so if I decode stuff at 70-80WPM range, where most of the times I partially decode almost every call (mostly prefixes), they all sound like a "feeling": everything happens just too fast to analyze it, it comes spontaneous. I don't know whether I am clear, but I can't find any other more successful word than this one to describe the way I perceive it !
So I was lucky, a short american call with looong characters W1JJ was shot off as the very first callsign and I copied it ! :-)
I do decode most of the prefixes at the 70-80WPM range, many times I just miss a couple of letters of the whole callsign, but this time I was lucky !
Gonna have a RUFZ-Fest now ! :-)
Thank you guys for this awesome training tool and sincere thanks to Fabian and Andre for their kind help and patience !
[OH6EI] 04/03/2010
Nice to do Rufz again, it's many years since last try.
[ZL2SKY] 28/01/2010
I just love this program, its absolutely brilliant.
[OM5NA] 28/01/2010
Hello, I had a little time for training. By the way thank you for your effort regarding the Toplist management...
[OM8CW] 26/01/2010
My writing on the keyboard is better and better!!!
[SV2HWR] 25/01/2010
i made a new score because i gave up rufz now i am back!
[LA3AKA] 27/12/2009
Finally past 9000 points
[N6AN] 27/12/2009
I just discovered that one can hear a callsign again by highlighting that call in the sent list and pressing Enter. What a valuable tool! It helps me for the next trial.
[DL4MM]: You may also double-click a callsign to repeat it. So one can easily practise the difficult calls only after a run.
[OE5FIN] 14/12/2009
Es ist wie eine Sucht Hi..........
[F4UKP] 13/12/2009
broke my last record by 1500 points !!!
[DJ8EN] 30/11/2009
trotz langer CW-Pause macht dieses Programm viel Spaß
[MA46RE] 21/11/2009
congratulazioni per il sito. Infiniti ringraziamenti agli Autori.
[F1AKK] 13/11/2009
Great !!!
[M0XIG] 03/11/2009
Close to breaking my 7000 barrier
[F1AKK] 22/10/2009
Become hard , long weeks without training ! Still a good game
[VE3OIJ] 19/10/2009
This seems to be a great program to practice with. Am looking forward to improving my score.
[WN9M] 13/10/2009
After 15 years off comming back slowly :>)
[IK0IXI] 30/09/2009
First test with Rufz.
[ZL2SKY] 30/09/2009
What a great piece of software this is. I am having a ball getting my speed up after no use of CW for some 16 years, LOVE IT!!!
[LA3AKA] 27/09/2009
Finally passed 7000 points
[M0XIG] 18/09/2009
A long time to make this last jump and I only do this exercise once a day - just keep going!
[N0PFE] 17/09/2009
Trying to get better.
[DL4UA] 16/09/2009
Stück für Stück wird es mehr... ;-)
Danke für das tolle Programm.
73 de Werner, DL4UA
[IK4CIE] 09/09/2009
nice program thanks
[AE4RV] 09/09/2009
Finally broke 8000! This is great practice.
[XE2RV] 02/09/2009
Seems like 40 is not a barrier any more... this is definetely a great program
[WA5BDU] 02/09/2009
Moving up, bit by bit. It's getting harder to set new records for myself.
[XE2RV] 02/09/2009
Finally broke the 40WPM mark....
[CT9/DANI] 01/09/2009
CT3KN's son. 9 years old.
[LA3AKA] 01/09/2009
Broke the 6000 point barrier today
[LA3AKA] 27/08/2009
Passed 5600 mark. On my way to 6000 points.
[WZ5H] 27/08/2009
Wow. Big improvement..
[AE4RV] 26/08/2009
Finally broke 40 WPM!
[LA3AKA] 25/08/2009
YES. I finally reached the 5000 point mark.
RufzXP is a great program. Good way to increase your morse code speed.
Thanks DL4MM for a great piece of software
[LA3AKA] 25/08/2009
Yet another personal best today.
[WA5BDU] 22/08/2009
First new record in a couple of weeks. It feels good.
[H41B] 22/08/2009
[HS8JYX] 21/08/2009
Thank you RufzXp.
[K6TPJ] 18/08/2009
I can copy the code, but only use 2 fingers to type!
[KB1RMA] 18/08/2009
First try. Just learning :)
[N7GMT] 14/08/2009
First attempt: YIKES! I have a loooong way to go.
[WA5BDU] 09/08/2009
Two bests in one day!
[WA5BDU] 09/08/2009
Beat my previous by only 80 points, but every little bit counts!
[KD3VJ] 08/08/2009
Just trugge'n along.
[F1AKK] 05/08/2009
Waouh ! Amazing!
[HS8JYX] 04/08/2009
Thank you RufzXp ..
[M0XIG] 04/08/2009
Its been a long run since my last best!
[F1AKK] 02/08/2009
Nice one . It's beginning hard! Ever a good game!
[N4BKT] 01/08/2009
I find steady improvements with consistent practice of 10 minutes a day. Thanks for this great tool and 73
[KF4YYD] 01/08/2009
Well will see ifI ever get better
[WA5BDU] 31/07/2009
It's been years since I've worked out with RUFZ, and it's a pleasure to break my old mark after about a week's practice.
[KD3VJ] 31/07/2009
Finally thru the 3000 barrier . YAAAAA!!
[DJ1YFK] 30/07/2009
New highscore - after a long day at work and a cold beer. Sometimes the "don't care" state of mind is all you need in RufzXP. Just too bad it's not 250k yet!
[DL8RDL] 29/07/2009
Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen...
[N0HYD] 28/07/2009
First time using this software - great fun! I am getting back into ham radio after about a 12 year absence, and since I only work QRP CW - I need to get my code speed up. I plan on doing this once or twice a day from here on out!
[JF3KQA] 23/07/2009
Still need 109 points for 40,000!
[N4BKT] 20/07/2009
Yay- more speed.
[AC5SH] 19/07/2009
only one more point but it really stretches my cpm :)
I'll take it.
[DL2RMC] 19/07/2009
Na endlich mal was gescheites über 50.000. Wer weiß, wann ich das wieder schaffe. Ist wahrscheinlich das DA0HQ Fieber.
[KD3VJ] 19/07/2009
4 points away from 3000 WOW !!! This program is great.
[K4TVE] 19/07/2009
ok i may have to get something to write with!!!!
[DL1YES] 19/07/2009
Nach 4 Jahren ohne Betrieb.
[N4BKT] 19/07/2009
Thanks for this great program!
[DL2RMC] 23/06/2009
Das hätte ich aber garnicht gedacht. Da funkt man ewig bei Tempo 380 herum und 507 geht auch. 73 aus Karlsruhe
[DK1WV] 22/06/2009
Step-by-step... 40k I?am coming :-)
[SV2KBS] 20/06/2009
CW rocks !!!
[F1AKK] 19/06/2009
it's beginning hard
[KD3VJ] 19/06/2009
121 points from 3000,,,,,, !
Your program is the best !
[NB6E] 15/06/2009
Nice program. Could you add QRN and QRM? Also it would be nice to have contest info and tally up points as if it were a real contest.
[DL4MM] Thanks! But RufzXP is dedicated to training of high speed telegraphy. For training of QRM skill I recommend using "MorseRunner" by VE3NEA.
[SV2KBS] 15/06/2009
Only real men work CW !
[EA9AI] 14/06/2009
some time inactive :((
[KD3VJ] 08/06/2009
WOW 119 , just working myself up to the next plateau.
[KD3VJ] 05/06/2009
Sorry about the dupe,But I was so excited that I finally got through the 2500 barrier ,I forgot to type in my name ! ........NOW FOR THE 110 BARRIER . Your program is the best..A BIG THANK YOU.
Matt kd3vj
[DM4JH] 05/06/2009
ich lerne es noch ;-)
[DF9AO] 03/06/2009
auch endlich in den Top300, die tägliche Steigerung klappt noch, wie lange?? 73 Wolfgang DF9AO
[DF5GX] 01/06/2009
Ist zwar nicht viel mehr, dafür eine hübsche Zahl -- und erstmals die 300er Grenze geschafft. RUFZ macht mir viel Freude. 73 Gerold
[AC5SH] 29/05/2009
I have not had much free time since I posted my last score at the end of 2007 and this is only attempt number 122. I'm going to try to put more time into it and have a further improved score (hopefully with a higher cpm as well) for you after a much shorter interval next time.
73 and thank you for this great service to Amateur Radio
Tim O'Conner, AC5SH
[AD7KG] 24/05/2009
Over the past several weeks, I've been using RufzXP in an effort to increase my CW code receiving speed. I just wanted to write and thank you both personally for this wonderful program.
I first learned CW by copying the characters to paper. Even though I do well at keyboarding, I needed to learn to hear code and type it into a program. RufzXP had helped me develop this skill better than I could have imagined.
There is no question that I have a long way to go. My goal is to be able to do well at CW contesting. I now feel like I'm well on my way.
Thank you again and 73
[JF3KQA] 21/05/2009
Gradually increasing!
[NF4A] 20/05/2009
Love this program....found out about it at Dayton.
[WZ5H] 18/05/2009
Still addicted to Rufz
[WZ5H] 16/05/2009
very addictive
[F1AKK] 14/05/2009
Now closed to 14 k . Hope for soon. Nice game
[AW62AT] 12/05/2009
habe dieses Programm entdeckt und finde es ziemlich spannend
[KE7RME] 03/05/2009
Excellent program. Thank you
[NG7M] 02/05/2009
Having fun getting back into Morse Code with RufzXP... pretty good improvement in a few days!
[NG7M] 28/04/2009
I haven't operated CW for 5 years... found the windows version of Rufz and gave it a try again... I think I'll work on my score and see if I get a better ranking! Great software!
[DL7AVE] 26/04/2009
habe noch ein paar Punkte mehr erreicht...
werde langsam RufzXP süchtig!
[HB9LBL] 18/04/2009
my first try...
[HA3SY] 13/04/2009
New topspeed :)
[DF6FR] 13/04/2009
Great training week! Smashed the 25k!
[AE6RF] 09/04/2009
My climb continues. Thanks to K6DBG for putting up a CNN news CW streaming audio site.
[DF6FR] 09/04/2009
Getting closer to 25k.
[AE6RF] 06/04/2009
It has been a good weekend for RufzXP. This is a new high speed and high score for me. Maybe I actually AM improving... Very slowly. Now if I could only hear VK9GMW…
[AE6RF] 04/04/2009
Even better!
[F1AKK] 31/03/2009
New user of that!
Hope to progress!!
Nice event!!!
[DJ4CW] 15/03/2009
After long time with no socore improvement, finally a little step toward the 50K mark, wich still remain a dream.
[SV6CZQ] 13/03/2009
Wow my lucky day Friday 13. Two times break my score!
[WA8JOC] 12/03/2009
REALLY NEAT ! Great code practice exercise!
[F5PHW] 11/03/2009
[F5PHW] 03/03/2009
Since a long time without RUFZ, I make my training for operating in FO !
I need to work again to be better.
I really appreciate the new version.
[NT8P] 22/02/2009
[NT8P] 21/02/2009
[NT8P] 19/02/2009
[PY2EX] 18/02/2009
after years without training, it seems that I´m getting better in CW.... But the top scores are really impressive... I wonder how those guys could be so quick... congratulations. 73 de Eger PY2EX
[DJ1YFK] 05/02/2009
246k - Wow!
[N4BKT] 01/02/2009
Nice to see my progress in just a few sessions! Thanks Again for this great tool.
[W4EF] 27/01/2009
My typing skills suck!
[W2QU] 20/01/2009
Love this program!!!
[DL1MIA] 14/01/2009
my first try
[N4BKT] 06/01/2009
Great program- Thanks for your help and 73
[DL2RMC] 05/01/2009
wollte nur mal testen, ob Tempo 450 auch geht und hat geklappt. HNY
[F4UKP] 04/01/2009
one my way to 20k now !
[F4UKP] 04/01/2009
Finally broke the 10k points ! Thanks for the great software !!!
[F4UKP] 02/01/2009
still not 10 k ...
[PA3DZF] 01/01/2009
After almost one year: Let's start again!
73, Leo
[VK4TJF] 31/12/2008
great program i use it most days
[F4UKP] 30/12/2008
It's hard to get to 10k ...
[HA8EN] 26/12/2008
First effort...
[EA8BGO] 23/12/2008
[PA3DAT] 23/12/2008
.. on tour with the automobile camper
[KU0DM] 21/12/2008
Work in progress!
[KU0DM] 20/12/2008
Getting back in the game after a year long hiatus, I guess it's true you never forget code!
[EI2JD] 17/12/2008
1st try, will get better, Hi
[VK4TJF] 01/12/2008
i have been practicing
[LU1BCE] 26/11/2008
I came back today from work so, so, so tired...
Are there better ways to feel better but CWing?
Not many, so let's do it!
I did, and broke my mark after several (fresh being) attempts... and I feel so well...
73 de Carlos, LU1BCE
PS: Would you accept a good intentioned observation to your program?
More southamerican, african, asiatic and oceanic callsigns would improve significantly the fun.
[VP9HW] 19/11/2008
Of all the modes, I enjoy CW the most.
[HB9CSA] 13/11/2008
Hurra, habe meine Schallgrenze (40´000) erreicht !
[NV1P] 10/11/2008
Finally hit 20,000 - yippee!
[DF6FR] 06/11/2008
Even Marconi pays out, hi!
[N0ZD] 03/11/2008
First RUFZ attempt.
[SP5UAF] 16/10/2008
I am very glad of setting my personal new RUFZ record
[DL1EFD] 15/10/2008
Hatte mein letztes Ergebnis schon mehrfach knapp bertroffen, aber das ist der Hammer... 6000 Punkte ber dem zweitbesten Ergebnis und das mit Top-Speed
[N0SS] 15/10/2008
Only used RUFZ a few (4-5) time so far. Does take a bit of getting accustomed to is, but I can see that it will become addictive.
[IZ1DFL] 13/10/2008
Trying to improve my speed.
[W7BEM] 25/09/2008
need more practice, less errors.
[W7BEM] 25/09/2008
need more practice
[DK2ZO] 24/09/2008
Mit ein wenig Übung wirds doch wieder besser (hi).
[IZ1DFL] 17/09/2008
My first attempt. Starting cw practice after a long time.
[PY4PW] 09/09/2008
My first contact with RufzXP
[K5ND] 08/09/2008
A great score for me as I strive to improve my copy.
[OM2DX] 06/09/2008
first attempts
[G3ZOD] 06/09/2008
Just when I thouight I'd reached my limits!
[DF6FR] 03/09/2008
Finally, more than 20.000! During lunch break, hi.
[W7BEM] 02/09/2008
need practice
[DO7MA] 23/08/2008
License since 09-2007
[VU2PTT] 22/08/2008
My first attempt at this. learning the program :)
[G3ZOD] 17/08/2008
Thanks for RufzXP Mathias and Alessandro - it's great fun!
[IZ1GIP] 17/08/2008
Questo è il mio primo record. Spero di migliorare ancora !
[DL1TS] 17/08/2008
I want to improve my CW für DXing and Contesting. So thanks a lot for this excellent software. It will help me a lot to hear a little faster... hi..
vy 73
Tom, DL1TS
[LU3JVO] 17/08/2008
Back to CW practice :-)
[K0DXC] 10/08/2008
Using RufzXP to get my speed up for HST Championships.
[K0DXC] 10/08/2008
I'm 13 years old. I am using RufzXP to train since I'm on the U.S. HST Team.
[K0DXC] 07/08/2008
I'm Cal, K0DXC, 13 years old. Just tried Rufz for my first time and I must admit it was a lot of fun.
[SP7RJG] 28/07/2008
It's been almost 20 years since I was using CW for the last time.
This program is great: real fun and a challenge at the same time :) .
Regards. Dariusz.
[DK7ZH] 28/07/2008
Mein erster Versuch
[DJ1YFK] 28/07/2008
Radical change of strategy finally paid off.
[DL3BXX] 28/07/2008
Nice to testing my CW with this tool for the first
[DL6OAP] 28/07/2008
I mastered 50k points --- and survived!
[M0RNA] 10/07/2008
[KQ1X] 08/07/2008
Getting to 250 CPM was a real struggle!
[M0RNA] 07/07/2008
At long last.....beat my record!!!
[DF1HE] 06/07/2008
Endlich 30000...
[WA6FYD] 30/06/2008
Thanks for developing this fun and productive tool for CW enthusiasts.
[WA6FYD] 29/06/2008
In the Army Security Agency I copied manual morse for a living. I'm very impressed at the level of skills by these young amateurs.
[DO1YCL] 13/06/2008
Yeeha Erste mal über 1k Punkte
[DL1DSF] 12/06/2008
It beggars description :0)
[KQ1X] 06/06/2008
This is getting harder and progress is slower but it is still a lot of fun!
[NK5G] 03/06/2008
Best Copy Ever
[DL1DSF] 03/06/2008
all of a sudden passed 15k :D
[G0BAK] 01/06/2008
I love this software ..
[JK3GAD] 01/06/2008
This is my first attempt. I know I need more practice.
[K4GDW] 30/05/2008
This is my first time using RufZXP
[DK1AX] 29/05/2008
Langsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen! - SUCHTFAKTOR 10
[NK5G] 29/05/2008
Getting closer to 30 wpm!
[LU5DX] 29/05/2008
Apparently WPX CW was a good practise for my ears. Even though it is not a QRQ contest :-)
[NK5G] 22/05/2008
Remember SSB is just a cordless phone.
[LU3JVO] 14/05/2008
First time I pass the 90 WPM! Really happy about that, congrats for the program!
[LU5DX] 14/05/2008
My ears are getting clunky as time goes by :-)
[LU3JVO] 11/05/2008
Practicing CW just for fun! It was a long time I didn´t practice any CW :-)
[NK5G] 09/05/2008
I'm getting closer to 30 WPM.
[LU5DX] 08/05/2008
Practice is starting to clear my ears!!!! 73. Martin, LU5DX
[LU5DX] 04/05/2008
Starting to practice after a long time! 437 CPM :-)
[HB9CSA] 28/04/2008
fing so gut an, bis das Telefon klingelte...hi
[G0BAK] 28/04/2008
Sorry for the second hi score in the past few days, I seem to be getting better,hi.
[HB9CSA] 27/04/2008
Endlich die 38k...
vy73 Fritz
[HB9CSA] 27/04/2008
...wie ich vorhin schon schrieb 38k sind gesperrt...hi
[HB9CSA] 27/04/2008
die 38k schaff´ich wohl nie...
vy73 de fritz hb9csa/dl4fdm
[9A5TO] 19/04/2008
Finally got over 500 CPM in XP version.
[XE1AY] 16/04/2008
Ein sehr gutes Praxisprogramm, unsere Aufzeichnung brechen, danke
[WN6K] 15/04/2008
Whoo this was a bit tough on this first run...will keep trying ..
[9A5MT] 14/04/2008
First RUFZ
[GI0RTN] 13/04/2008
My first new high score since moving back to Belfast. Even when you feel you are hitting a plateau with RUFZ, it is worth persevering as soon a whole new level of performance becomes achievable. I have now spent 10 happy years playing with RUFZ on and off!!! Thank you for the fun and bringing consistent CW copying speed from 40 wpm to 70!!!
[XE1AY] 12/04/2008
Very good program
[9A5TO] 12/04/2008
I'm back in RUFZ world...
Tomorow will be national 9A competition in RUFZ / MR for HST 2008.
[DJ7EC] 10/04/2008
I´m getting better
[DJ7EC] 09/04/2008
Finally reached 20k :-)
[GI0RTN] 07/04/2008
Note - the radio amateur formerly known as G0RTN - poor score but record speed.
[DL1DSF] 07/04/2008
another step towards twenty.. :)
[HB9CSA] 01/04/2008
Es macht vy spass!
[DJ7EC] 01/04/2008
I´m getting better and better!RufzXP is UFB!
[K2NPN] 28/03/2008
I need smaller fingers for typing so fast
[HB9CSA] 28/03/2008
Mit dem ersten Versuch Glück gehabt :-))
Vy73 von Fritz im Urlaub aus Zürich
[K2NPN] 28/03/2008
I am still trying!
[K2NPN] 28/03/2008
Having fun...trying to get a better score
[K2NPN] 26/03/2008
This software is great for contest practice and lots of fun.....73...Phil
[DB1PJ] 26/03/2008
Nach langer Pause endlich mal wieder einen Schritt näher an die 6000
[KQ1X] 24/03/2008
I keep moving ahead!
[HB9CSA] 24/03/2008
Nach langer RUFZ-Pause macht es Spass jeden Tag ein paar Minuten zu entspannen.
[F4UKP] 24/03/2008
I've never been so close to 10k !!! :)
[HB9CSA] 24/03/2008
Glück gehabt!
[HB9CSA] 24/03/2008
Es wird immer schwieriger...Meine Grenze liegt momentan um die 30.000.
[KQ1X] 24/03/2008
Speed creeping up... lots of work but I find it very relaxing. A nice escape from the day. :-)
[KQ1X] 21/03/2008
Speed creeping up... lots of work but I find it very relaxing. A nice escape from the day. :-)
[LZ4UU] 14/03/2008
Getting ready for HST:)
[9K2RR] 05/03/2008
i will keep practice and hope to be in the top list of top speed group, i`m happy to reach the speed of 80 WPM. looking for new score and speed take care.
[DL1DSF] 03/03/2008
hard to get better... :-|
[KQ1X] 25/02/2008
I am creeping up slowly! I really love this program. I am hooked. I
[M0RNA] 23/02/2008
Slowly climbing the ladder ;)
[DL1DSF] 20/02/2008
first opstacle left behind :D
[KQ1X] 19/02/2008
This is great... just go started...
[DL1DSF] 17/02/2008
slowly speed up... :-)
[GM3VEY] 15/02/2008
Great program. Used it many years ago and was just reminded about it last week so having some fun brushing up on my CW
[M0PTO] 15/02/2008
Been working at it all night, and all morning!
[KB8YHV] 06/02/2008
I am so slow...
[KB0R] 05/02/2008
This has been fun, but my scores have been all over the place. This is my best so far. I'll keep trying.
[DK9MH] 03/02/2008
Schönen Faschingsausklang !
[ND0L] 31/01/2008
Back at after a break.
[EA1CMP] 31/01/2008
I have forgoten almost all my CW!!!
[GM0ELP] 31/01/2008
Didn't realise it was a better score till the end
[DL2RMC] 29/01/2008
Es geht auch bei höheren Temperatuen. Grüße aus Bangkok HS0ZII, DL2RMC
[GM0GEI] 28/01/2008
SLOWLY getting better.
[S55O] 24/01/2008
7k close :)
[IK6BAK] 23/01/2008
Very funny software.
I'll be trying it to improve my CW skill.
[PA3DZF] 20/01/2008
The last one for today....
73', Leo
[GM0ELP] 19/01/2008
[GM0EGI] 19/01/2008
.. 2nd score. Showing RUFZXP of at the Mid Lanark Amateur Radio Society near Glasgow. A few members using the club pc to try it for the first time.
[GM0HKS] 19/01/2008
My first attempt.
[DK9MH] 14/01/2008
HNY es GL de Helmut
[HB9FBS] 13/01/2008
Thanks to HB9FBM and HB9DHG for technical suport
[AF7S] 11/01/2008
After 20 years off the air, I was afraid I'd lost my cw capability. Apparently it was so ingrained in my brain from years of cw contesting that I was only a little rusty. Thanks for a fun program
[W5UX] 11/01/2008
Started at 84 wpm. After numerous tries. got 72 wpm.
[DL1YAL] 10/01/2008
one day I WILL get the hang of this HI HI
[DF1HE] 10/01/2008
RufzXP UFB!!!!
[N6AN] 09/01/2008
Little by little. Happy New Year, All!
[VA3QN] 08/01/2008
Thank you for creating this super amateur radio software.
[KA1DYE] 07/01/2008
Program works great.
[DL2RMC] 07/01/2008
das neue Jahr fängt gut an....
[PA3AUC] 06/01/2008
Beat my own former points record by 10%.
Code practice for the upcoming CQ WW 160 m test.
[HB9DHG] 04/01/2008
Again ....thanks, thanks, thanks .. to my two friends HB9FBS and HB9FBM for supporting me on this contest. It is a pleasure to contest with them (vy good CW
Now another record. Where do we go next ?
[PA3DZF] 31/12/2007
A good final for this year to break the 10000!
[HB9DHG] 28/12/2007
Thanks HB9FBM and HB9FBS for this wonderful RECORD !
[N4EO] 27/12/2007
Hello from Hawaii, where it’s early evening and 26 degrees C.
I enjoy your RufzXP from time-to-time. My wife is a ham also.
Thanks for what you both have contributed to the hobby and to communications.
Morse is still taught by the US military and cw intercept operations are still utilized.
[MM0BHX] 27/12/2007
Try a bit harder GM0Bers !
[MM0BHX] 27/12/2007
Try again Doug !
[HB9FBM] 27/12/2007
[HB9DHG] 27/12/2007
I must thanks my friends HB9FBS and HB9FBM for taking me in the wonderful world of CW.
Now I'm at 140000 points. Let's see at 15'000 ;-) Wonderful program de HB9DHG
[N6AN] 25/12/2007
355 never sounded so fast!
[IK2CFD] 25/12/2007
[W2XYZ] 23/12/2007
I really enjoy using Rufzp. It is the first morse program that uses very realistic conditions, like different pitch and different speeds. My compliments on designing such an excellent program.
[DL2RMC] 21/12/2007
...die 30000 wollte ich unbedingt noch dieses Jahr schaffen. Naja - mehr geht wohl nicht ...
[F4UKP] 20/12/2007
Getting closer to 8000 Points (7964) and made a new speed record 38 WPM :) In a few days it will be just one year I started learning the code. I didn´t expect to get there !
[GM0ELP] 20/12/2007
Slowly slowly
[GM0ELP] 17/12/2007
lower speed but better score
[2M0RZE] 17/12/2007
Still pounding brass :)
[MM0GPZ] 17/12/2007
I am learning well with this program. As a beginner, I can't believe how fast I am hearing the code now.
[S55O] 14/12/2007
6000 points :) Thy again for this program..allways fun ! Fab i'm going to get ya :HI HI
[GM0ELP] 13/12/2007
Getting there
[AE6RF] 13/12/2007
Getting better, little by little...
[GM0ELP] 13/12/2007
Must try harder :-)
[GM0ELP] 13/12/2007
Oh dear another addictive cw program
[W8VKO] 10/12/2007
Back to ham radio after 51 years. Super Programm und kostenlos. Vielen Dank ihr Zwei!!!
[K3DRQ] 10/12/2007
This is fun!
[DB1PJ] 09/12/2007
Es macht wirklich Spass mit RufzXP zu üben
[G0BAK] 09/12/2007
After doing well on my first attempt It seems to have taken me ages to beat it,hi. I love this softwre, many thanks - Bill.
[K6BBQ] 09/12/2007
Third time today and my best today
[F4UKP] 05/12/2007
Finally a new high score (7599) and a new topspeed 37WPM 73's de DD4UKP / F4UKP Radio Club de Fontainebleau F8KTH
[DK6XZ] 02/12/2007
Hello. Back to radio after 18 years brake... Nice tool this program!
[DB1PJ] 29/11/2007
Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen... :-)
[M0PTO] 29/11/2007
2nd go - slowly getting quicker!
[DK9MH] 26/11/2007
Habe noch eins draufgelegt.
vy73 de dk9mh, Helmut.
[W6YA] 22/11/2007
Your program is just tooooooo addicting! Lots of fun.
[DF1HE] 19/11/2007
fast täglich eine Steigerung, tolles Programm. Macht weiter so.
[2M0RZE] 19/11/2007
fantastic programme!
[DL8WPX] 18/11/2007
Getting even better ..
[2M0RZE] 18/11/2007
Still pounding brass :)
[DL8WPX] 16/11/2007
3rd attempt and without any previous training - enough for today.
In this regard it seems I'm prepared for the CQ WWDX CW.
[F4UKP] 14/11/2007
cracked 7000 :) on my way to 8k ?
Will I be ready for the CQ WW CW ?
[S55O] 13/11/2007
5000 points :) Finnaly :)
[M0PTO] 10/11/2007
First go!
73 de Matt, M0PTO
[DF2CH] 09/11/2007
Super programm, werde weiter trainieren, bald ist CQWW
[F4UKP] 07/11/2007
now the 7k target !
[F4UKP] 06/11/2007
getting closer to 6k :)
[BA1AN] 06/11/2007
1st play
[F4UKP] 05/11/2007
Jetzt sind die 10k Punkte mein nächster Ziel ... Ich fürchte aber das wird nicht so leicht sein für jemand wie ich der anfang's der Jahres noch kein CW kannte :)
Koch Morse von G4FON und RufzXP haben das geschaft was viele andere in 10 Jahre nicht geschaft haben :)
[DL3XO] 05/11/2007
a hard job to crack the 20000 with 68, but we did it ! Mni thanks for the superb brain-training, that allows Rufzxp. Dave, DL3XO
[F4UKP] 02/11/2007
on my way to 5000 :)
[DL8LAQ] 02/11/2007
Very 1st try after installation :-)
[F4UKP] 01/11/2007
Finally hit 4000 ! :)
I love it !
[DJ1YFK] 31/10/2007
200k! Woooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[W6YA] 27/10/2007
best one so far....
[DJ1YFK] 27/10/2007
Still shaking. Got horribly nervous when I surpassed my old record (187k) with 3 callsigns left, and I copied none of them. My life-long dream of 200k seems within reach.
[AC5SH] 24/10/2007
This is (6219 score and 186 cpm) amounts to my 7th run at it on 22-23 oct 2007 which is the day I first tried. Stand by for improvements... although it may be a while b4 I post again.
73 Tim
[W6YA] 20/10/2007
very addicting program!
[G6LFT] 19/10/2007
[DL8PP] 19/10/2007
Mit einem Schlag gleich 2 Plätze übersprungen. Sehr geil, ich werde im moment echt zügig deutlich besser. :-) (+50% im letzten Monat...) Lg, Ph
[W6YA] 14/10/2007
I just discovered your RufzXP program and am having lots of fun with it! It's very addicting. I need the practice now, since I'm essentially QRT. I just got a higher score than the one sent, but will wait for a while before sending it to see if I can top it. My scores will never be very good, but it's fun to get on the board anyhow. I don't know how humans can actually copy 200+ WPM!!
73, Jim W6YA
[DJ1YFK] 12/10/2007
Not quite 200k yet, but several attempts with >100k at 25 calls. I will keep trying.
[S55O] 10/10/2007
Finnaly over 4000! Gl to all! Tu for a realy nice program, that allowed me to finnaly get my CW in a way so i can work on the bands. Bostjan - Ian S55O
[DL8PP] 08/10/2007
es geht in kleinen schritten voran...
[F4UKP] 04/10/2007
Still learning
[DJ1YFK] 01/10/2007
New speed record: M0TTT/P @ 1126 CpM!
[PA0GJV] 30/09/2007
Nice program, Need more practice HI.
[VE3ZIK] 25/09/2007
First time using a program :)
[N6EE] 07/09/2007
Slow but steady progress...
[DJ1YFK] 05/09/2007
Nach langer Durststrecke gehts wieder vorwärts.
[N6EE] 28/08/2007
Slowly improving!
[N6EE] 28/08/2007
This program is addictive!
[MM3JRK] 27/08/2007
Well it's a highest score for me, rubbish by the standards you guys set but it's progress hi hi
[MM3JRK] 27/08/2007
Still slowly getting better... this programme is HARD! hi hi
[N6EE] 27/08/2007
Finally got back to working on my CW copying abilit in preparation for the upcoming contest season.
Ron N6EE
[F8FGZ] 22/08/2007
Thanks for your great program, it's real fun!
[PY2NY] 10/08/2007
Done after working IOTA Contest for two hours...
[HB9BXS] 10/08/2007
Das Programm bietet eine hervorragende Trainingsmöglichkeit. Super!
[G6SJA] 10/08/2007
Enjoyed first time, but could not find all the keys, will try harder.
[YL9T] 10/08/2007
The very first time
[2M0RND] 10/08/2007
Becoming addictive but great practice
[PY2NY] 10/08/2007
Done after working IOTA Contest for two hours...
[W5JK] 24/07/2007
Progress, progress, progress, but small steps up the ladder. 73 es gud program...
[HB9DHG] 22/07/2007
Again a new record: 12440 (222cpm) not good for an old man like me. Hi Gorane (HB9FBS) and Fabio (HB9FBM) I'm coming !!! let's wait few tests and I will be there hi hi.
Take care all and thanks for this nice training program
[IK4MEC] 21/07/2007
primo utilizzo
[PY2CDB] 20/07/2007
Tks a lot to offer your excelent software for free!
[N0HR] 16/07/2007
Just thought that I'd let you know that I've been having fun with RufzXP. I am still absolutely baffled at the scores that appear on the toplist. Looking at my top score (9669) and speed (216) - I am amazed that some of you guys can copy that fast without cheating (like using a PC to decode). You guys are amazing.
Anyway, thought I'd say thanks. Also, I have a blog entry about using statistics to analyze RufzXP:
[HB9DHG] 13/07/2007
I'm ready to made more and more but it's difficult ;-)
[LU1DZ] 10/07/2007
Great training
[HB9DHG] 06/07/2007
Another day .. another record !!! vy 73 to all
[HB9DHG] 04/07/2007
It's hard .. but I need to training again :-) vy 73 to HB9FBS and HB9FBM ..
my teachers
[AF2Z] 04/07/2007
Hello, again. I am still trying!
[M0RNA] 02/07/2007
At last...improved my top score a bit :)
[HB9DHG] 01/07/2007
Another record ;-) I enjoy the program. Thanks HB9FBS
[HB9DHG] 01/07/2007
Thanks GORANE !!! you're a good teacher
[HB9DHG] 01/07/2007
Thanks to my friend HB9FBS for taking me higher and higher on this test ;-)
[OE5HIL] 25/06/2007
Das neue RufzXP macht mir von Tag zu Tag mehr Spaß - das schlägt sich auch in meinen persönlichen Testergebnissen nieder.
[HB9FBS] 24/06/2007
Diventa sempre più divertente. Ottimo esercizio.
[HB9FBS] 20/06/2007
Ottimo sistema per imparare CW. Raccomando a tutti di provare. Divertimento assicurato.Complimenti ancora.
[W2ID] 16/06/2007
[SQ9IVD] 14/06/2007
New record :) yeah
[IZ8GGF] 11/06/2007
saro' sicuramente l'ultimo ma spero di migliorare
[DL1HW] 08/06/2007
Eureka! Endlich die Schallmauer 100 durchbrochen :-)
[N9DD] 05/06/2007
Finally over 200 CPM after many tries.
[N9DD] 02/06/2007
My first day using new program. I love it!
[DK1WV] 01/06/2007
das macht süchtig !! ;-)
[G0RTN] 24/05/2007
I'm on a roll this week!
[VK2TMG] 24/05/2007
First try using RUFZ - been lerarning CW for about a year
[LZ4UU] 24/05/2007
No more female's scores bigger than mine:)
[G0RTN] 20/05/2007
Newer speed record. One dot off 432!!!
[M0RNA] 18/05/2007
Getting harder each week ;)
[JF3KQA] 17/05/2007
Nice software for high speed CW traning! CU in the contest!
[DK9HE] 14/05/2007
I'm realy amazed how RufzXP helps me up to this result!!
My personal target comes near...
vy 73,
Andreas DK9HE
[HB9DHG] 12/05/2007
Nice test, hope to catch HB9FBM and HB9FBS but they are too faaaaaast ;-)
[DK9HE] 10/05/2007
sorry for one more update today but I couldn't stop my trials to improve my score because the 10.000 points border is by mysel still not reached!
[7Z1UG] 10/05/2007
After a training platform finally I made another better score. It shows that training - training is essential. 73's de Manfred (7Z1UG - DK2UG) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
[DK9HE] 10/05/2007
das war zwar nur eine kleine Verbesserung, aber ich bin wieder ein Platz vorgerückt ..
Das Ziel ist für mich klar: die 10.000er Grenze knacken, also ich komme demnächst wieder!
[PA4PS] 04/05/2007
After 3weeks no new record, Finaly and suddenly a new one hihi.
[HZ1EX] 04/05/2007
First try at stn of 7Z1UG
[K0BJ] 03/05/2007
Tried headphones for first time. Immediate >1.2K improvement!
[W4IEI] 01/05/2007
Been Hamming for 2 years.
[ON6UQ] 30/04/2007
[YU7FU] 27/04/2007
In OM more than 45 years
[KE2EB] 27/04/2007
[K0BJ] 24/04/2007
Brutal but lots of fun!
[IZ6CUS] 24/04/2007
Chiacchiera con i tuoi amici in tempo reale!
[AE6RF] 22/04/2007
First attempt with new version
[N0HR] 16/04/2007
Got a long way to go
[WA5FJV] 12/04/2007
Neat program.
One request - option to send the characters at a different speed (faster) than the overall WPM. That is, let the spaces between letters and words be longer than the pauses between the dits and dahs.
Thanks for all your work.
[DL4MM]: This will be implemented in the next update. Stay tuned!
[7Z1UG] 11/04/2007
At least now 345 - but not enough points :-((
73's from Riyadh, Manfred
[7Z1UG] 10/04/2007
Step by Step - no soo easy !!
73 from Riyadh, Manfred (7Z1UG-DK2UG)
[WN9E] 10/04/2007
New to CW and trying to learn. Having fun with this. Looking forward to using CW on the air.
[KK8I] 09/04/2007
1. Versuch mit RufzXP
[7Z1UG] 09/04/2007
- na bitte, wer sagst denn - Just get familiar with it.
73's - Manfred in Riyadh (7Z1UG-DK2UG)
[7Z1UG] 04/04/2007
Bernd - ACHTUNG - ich stehe hinter Dir - 73's
Manfred - 7Z1UG (DK2UG)
[7Z1UG] 03/04/2007
It looks like it is my day .....
73's - Manfred in Riyadh
[7Z1UG] 03/04/2007
- only new speed - no higher score but with picture -
[DD9FJ] 01/04/2007
mit kleinen Schritten..
[YU7DP] 01/04/2007
Entlich wunsch geschwindigkeit.
[F6FNA] 31/03/2007
I am working RufzXP since august 2006, after 22 years without cw i start again more or less 0.
I find real pleasure with RufzXP and now i can making some QSO on air.
Thank you very very much.
Best 73 and excuse me for my bad English.
Jean Pierre f6fna 59 years old
[7Z1UG] 30/03/2007
- little by little - not that easy ;-(
[DM3XPN] 29/03/2007
Es macht wieder Spaß
[OE9WLJ] 28/03/2007
ich danke dir für ein wunderbares Programm! Ich übe seit dem 3.2.
fast täglich (meist mehrmals) mit RufzXP und hab mich toll steigern können. Ich hatte die Hoffnung schon fast aufgegeben doch noch "richtig" CW zu lernen, nun funktioniert es wirklich prima!
Vielen Dank und 73
[OE9WLJ] 27/03/2007
Vorsicht! RufzXP macht süchtig...
[VE3XL] 26/03/2007
I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your program. I have had it a for a week and already my speed has increased 5-7 wpm.
While not at 80 wpm yet, I can't write fast enough to keep up with the program so now have to drop the pencil.
I can recoginize the usual 2 by 3 calls but the split ones drive me nuts. I would now like a program that gives you randomly used ham words and the
like, so people can learn to send spaces between words at least.
Anyway having fun and appreciate the program a lot.
[DL4MM:] To hear ham words you can create your own callbase just with ham words. (one word or short phrase for each line)
Choose trainer mode, options, set trainer mode to "own callbase" and select own callbase textfile. That’s it.
[DL1JFI] 25/03/2007
Tnx, lucky program ! cu es 73
[LU5CW] 20/03/2007
Erste Versuche
[DH5ST] 19/03/2007
Endlich wieder ein neuer Score :-)
[AD7BY] 16/03/2007
Working my way up. Thanks for a great program!
[IV3RLB] 11/03/2007
How are they doing ? Scores upper than 30,000 p.
[LX1KC] 09/03/2007
needed some more time to break my own record again, here we are, pur fun
[XE1YZY] 08/03/2007
Thanks for this exeellent program, hpe can qso some time
73 de Pedro XE1YZY
[K6RC] 05/03/2007
whew this is hard to copy! I guess I am getting rusty.
[AE6RF] 01/03/2007
Not a big improvement over my last record, but every little bit helps.
I seem plateued about 32-34 WPM for contest exchanges and about 18-20 WPM for normal rag chewing. Oh well, I'll keep my nose to the grindstone and have fun!!!
[IZ0KON] 28/02/2007
cari amici, mi piacerebbe inviare una mia foto vorrei, per piacere, sapere se posso allegarla ad una mail diretta al vostro indirizzo di posta elettronica. grazie IZ0KON Giovanni
[KG5U] 25/02/2007
I enjoy doing RUFZ. It's great fun and very humbling to see how many mistakes I make...but, I think I am getting better.
[IZ0KON] 24/02/2007
Ringrazio voi tutti per questo sito che mantiene in vita il codice Morse. Per tutta la vita il mio lavoro era quello di trasmettere messaggi dalle navi e se non fosse stato per voi insieme al Morse sarei andato anch'io per sempre in pensione. Spero che capiate l'italiano perchè il mio poco inglese non sarebbe bastato ad esprimere un concetto così elevato.
ciao a tutti voi!
Giovanni IZØKON best 73
[DL1CW] 18/02/2007
Stück für Stück
[DL5SE] 18/02/2007
erster Versuch!
[AD5VM] 18/02/2007
[N5VF] 17/02/2007
[A45WG] 11/02/2007
Great Software
[SV1DPJ] 10/02/2007
First attempt after almost one year..
[AJ2K] 06/02/2007
Score 645, speed 55, well, it's a beginning.
[IT9GSF] 06/02/2007
First attempt
[IZ0KON] 22/01/2007
ottimo sito, grazie all'ideatore! Mi auguro, con un po' di addestramento, di migliorare!
[IZ0KON] 22/01/2007
complimenti per il sito. Con un po' di allenamento migliorerò il mio record!
[VE7KPB] 22/01/2007
Things just keep getting better with this software. Thanks
[K9ZA] 22/01/2007
2nd attempt at RUFZ
[AD5VM] 21/01/2007
10,000 points seems a long way off but when I started using this program about a month ago, my scores were around 1,600 points!
[IZ0AVH] 21/01/2007
ottimo programma, speriamo di migliorare.73 et 88
[IZ0KON] 21/01/2007
complimenti per il sito. Con un po' di allenamento migliorerò il mio record!
[ND0L] 19/01/2007
This program is a lot of fun!
[2E0KOP] 19/01/2007
Great Fun Tnx UK Contest list for the tip off
[N4VM] 16/01/2007
Slight improvement
[VE7KPB] 14/01/2007
This is a great program! Just what I needed to bump up my cw speed.
[W6RBK] 13/01/2007
Can't say enough wonderful things about this program - it's fun and addictive, and shows the progress you make if you keep at it.
[KG4FXL] 12/01/2007
This is addictive, in less than two weeks I have gone from 5 wpm to 18 wpm!
[K7MH] 12/01/2007
Sheeesh! I thought I could do better than that! I am going to make this a regular practice since the bands are kinda dead anyway! It's fun!
[G0DUB] 11/01/2007
HI, a much better score to enter the table with ! This is getting addictive....
[G0RTN] 11/01/2007
Yes! Yes! Yes! The old form is starting to come back!
[N4VM] 11/01/2007
Moving on up.....I hope you guys above are worried, very worried :-)
[KC0VKN] 10/01/2007
Enjoying using Rufz to work on my call copy speeds. It's a bit addictive!
[K6RC] 10/01/2007
using keyboard and speakers. will next try with headset
[K6RC] 10/01/2007
1st attempt. I need practice!
I hate laptop keyboards I'll Try again using regular keyboard
[W7AUM] 09/01/2007
This program is really helping.
[N5VF] 07/01/2007
[K7XV] 06/01/2007
I love this program!! I am getting better....
[W6RBK] 03/01/2007
Quite enjoying this program and making real progress. Please let me know if I am sending too many records. [DL4MM]: :-) Of course you may send as much scores as you like. Submissions are handled and checked semi-automatically.
[W7AUM] 02/01/2007
This is the first cw program that I enjoy! It is very cleverly programmed. Great job!
[WW9R] 02/01/2007
This program is addicting...
[DK6OX] 02/01/2007
Finally I returned to my hobby CW and found the RUFZ-program. It's pure fun ... until the next 10-character-call …
[YU7FU] 31/12/2006
Just little bit better.
73 es HNY de Nesa YU7FU
[IN3LBQ] 31/12/2006
Thanks for the XP version of Rufz and
Happy new Year !
[WW9R] 31/12/2006
Your software is great fun. Thanks for the hard work you put into it. I will be sending in better scores as time progresses...
[LX1KC] 30/12/2006
yes 10000+,
[KC0VKN] 28/12/2006
I'm a bit on the slow side, but, haven't been a ham very
long and have been slowly working on my CW. It's become my favorite
mode. Rufz makes it fun because it's like playing a video game :).
[N4VM] 28/12/2006
I'm getting better J
[LX1KC] 25/12/2006
realy fun and i'm improving fron day to day, i'll keep on going
[W6SJ] 25/12/2006
Man, sure more errors than I would have thought possible.
[IS0XDA] 24/12/2006
this is the best result of 7 total tests after installed! Very nice enjoy!
73 de Gianni, IS0XDA
[KK2L] 24/12/2006
[LX1KC] 23/12/2006
First time here, that's realy fun an i'll be back, need some more training
[KU7T] 23/12/2006
RufzXP Running fine on Windows Vista!
[IS0XDA] 22/12/2006
Wow! more difficult typing direct on keyboard versus writing old style with pen and paper :-))
[N0ZD] 22/12/2006
Just downloaded RUFZXp. Never used before. This was my first try. Looking forward to seeing the progress. Excellent tool for improving CW skills!
[WW8ZZ] 21/12/2006
THANK YOU for RufzXP, which I read about in the latest QST magazine. I have been able to send cw at speeds of up to 10 wpm since 1992, but in a few short days, that has all changed. Now I am up to 18wpm and still improving.
Your program is different than all the other ways of trying to improve morse speed. I'm very grateful. It's fun again!
73 de Alan, WW8ZZ
[KG9ML] 21/12/2006
Great program! I find a certain wakeful state of mind is helpful in increasing both speed and accuracy.
[KR2Q] 21/12/2006
rufzxp is fun...using it 4 days.
[KG9ML] 20/12/2006
Tnx fer great program!
73 de KG9ML
[NS5Z] 20/12/2006
Cool Program
[KA3MTT] 19/12/2006
Great Program!!
[YU7FU] 19/12/2006
Hello. This is my the first attempt on RUFZ XP.
73 de Nesa
[NO6E] 17/12/2006
Many, many thanks for RUFZXP. No other learning, practice or contest system has even made morse code fun!
As you know, the U.S. has dropped the need to know morse for ham licenses. Your program will help keep morse alive.
Thank you again for your fine work.
73, Andrew Ellis NO6E
[N0SXX] 16/12/2006
Great fun! Just downloaded and I'll be playing some more
[G0RTN] 11/12/2006
Still a ways to go before I catch up with my old RUFZ high score!
[AE6RF] 01/12/2006
I've been plateaued for a long time now, it feels good to move ahead a bit.
73 de Donald AE6RF
[DL4JU] 19/11/2006
wirklich toll, Danke!
[F8ARR] 17/11/2006
[N5XZ] 09/11/2006
First Time.
[KB7Q] 31/10/2006
Thanks for a great program!
[YU7NU] 31/10/2006
Contest experience helps a lot.Hi.
[IK8HOE] 30/10/2006
QRP only station
[DK9VZ] 29/10/2006
hier ein weiterer Versuch.
Beim ersten Mal hab ich in Kontestmanier manchmal ENTER gedrückt und wollte danach das Call fertig schreiben, was leider zu Fehlern führte
[KI4JKU] 28/10/2006
This thing can be brutal at times! Hi HI.
[KI4CIA] 27/10/2006
After 14 months on CW, 20 wpm is finally starting to sound slow :)
[DJ1YFK] 26/10/2006
juhu, 1000 BpM
[PA3AUC] 22/10/2006
slowly improving…
[SP1EGN] 20/10/2006
Great soft!
[NN1N] 20/10/2006
I can't believe I broke 72 WPM! :-) I also cannot believe how my practice
is allowing me to improve still.
[WA6FYD] 18/10/2006
A little better.
[N6EE] 16/10/2006
Neat program
[PA3AUC] 13/10/2006
first try
[WA6FYD] 12/10/2006
Wow. I'm rusty! I'm way down on the totem pole for somebody who made his living copying code!r
[DL8OBF] 09/10/2006
Trials with new program, I am not a good CW operator
[SM6CNN] 07/10/2006
still exercising! great fun
[NN1N] 01/10/2006
Finally plugged headphones into computer. Much easier to hear the high tones now.
[W1AWB] 29/09/2006
Hope this is working. I love your program!
Andy W1AWB
[DH5ST] 29/09/2006
Erste Email seit der neuen Version. Es wird Zeit wieder zu üben :-)
73s Ingo DH5ST
[NN1N] 27/09/2006
2nd try after not using RUFZ since 1998
[HK3CQ] 18/09/2006
Enjoying a lot your very nice software. This is my second score. Best
wishes. Thanks again and 73!
[DG8VE] 08/09/2006
Jetzt sind die 10000 Punkte endlich gefallen ;-)
[AE6RF] 08/09/2006
Just keep practicing, just keep practicing...
[DL5SWB] 30/08/2006
danke für das tolle Programm und die Website.
[DL8PP] 30/08/2006
10k geknackt...
leider doch nur Platz 3, für Platz 2 dauerts jetzt noch ne weile.. :-)
[DL1JFI] 28/08/2006
Nettes Programm, erster Versuch.
[DL5AZZ] 28/08/2006
endlich eine Verbesserung ;-)
[DL6KBH] 28/08/2006
UFB Programm
[AE6RF] 28/08/2006
Don't know if I'm getting better or just luckier... hi hi
[DK7UY] 28/08/2006
Super Programm, ufb zum Training für die nächste DXpedition !!
[SM6CNN] 28/08/2006
Great fun!
[DL5LC] 28/08/2006
Next time I´ll hope to reach 200bpm´s ....
Andreas / DL5LC
[DL5LC] 05/08/2006
These are my first tryes with this program. I´ll have to spend a lot of time to become a better telegraphist.... hi.... :.)
[G3VMW] 02/08/2006
Hard work!
[DL6ABB] 01/08/2006
A very nice programm.
[DM3XPN] 01/08/2006
.. ich werde jetzt ab und zu mal probieren.
73 Bernd
[DL6RDE] 27/07/2006
endlich gibts RUFZ für XP !!!
Das Programm ist ganz einfach spitze und bereitet sehr viel Spaß.
[DL8PP] 27/07/2006
Ich werde kommen...
[G3VMW] 26/07/2006
Still working on a better score.
[DL4HG] 25/07/2006
Muß noch viel üben......
[ND9M] 25/07/2006
[KX3X] 24/07/2006
this is a very good cw practice to help get your code speed up
[IZ0DXD] 24/07/2006
thanks good software!
[AE2T] 18/07/2006
Nice program!
[K7QO] 02/07/2006
Thank you for the fine program and the ability to continue the high
[K7QO] 01/07/2006
Thanks for the new program that runs under Windows XP.
[W1SK] 28/06/2006
Cool software
[VK6HG] 06/06/2006
qrm from xyl was bad !
[SV1DPJ ] 08/05/2006
My first attempts with the new software after about 8 years
[DF2GN] 08/05/2006
so langsam gehts wieder aufwärts....., ok, gebs zu, hab ein wenig geschludert seit dem die alte Liste geschlossen worden ist.Insgesammt so ca. 3 Monate nicht mehr trainiert,,,,mal schauen wie lang es geht bis ich wieder auf dem alten Stand bin
vy 73 Klaus DF2GN
[F6IFY] 08/05/2006
Not easy to break the 30k points barrier. I change my technique and now wait to listen all the call before typing.
73 Philippe - F6IFY
[DF2GN] 01/05/2006
beim alten Rufz war ich einiges besser ;-) Vielleicht noch ein wenig ungewohnt.Werde wohl ein wenig trainieren müssen,hi....
vy 73 Klaus DF2GN
[F6IFY] 24/04/2006
Congratulation for this very good software. A good training and a great challenge!
73 de Philippe F6IFY
[G0RPA] 17/04/2006
just trying out the new programme its very good
[F5PLC] 17/04/2006
What a bad score ! After any years my first come back is vy difficult .....
Many thank's for this new RUFZ
Best Wishes and 73's
[S56A ] 17/04/2006
First attempt with official version! 28K best score in 7 attempts. Boring compared with Morse Runner.
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU
[K5ZM] 17/04/2006
Tried it using the square wave setting. I think the sinusoid setting sounds much better, but I did much better with it set to square. Hmm....
[YU7NU] 17/04/2006
New score in mean time. 73
[HB9FBS] 17/04/2006
Molto interessante.Ultimo test ho fatto 7 mesi fa.
[K5ZM] 17/04/2006
click problem 90% eliminated.. and a good pair of 'phones! ;)
[K5ZM] 17/04/2006
Default settings.. heavy clicks.. audio straight from monitor speaker- no 'phones. More practice..! more practice! ;)
[IT9VDQ] 17/04/2006
Nice to play again with Rufz! My first attempt!
See you again,
73 de Gius IT9VDQ
[IZ4APU] 17/04/2006
Hello, this is my first score with this wonderful new RufzXP.
[G4KIV] 17/04/2006
Great to see this program again and this time for Windows XP.
Fantastic job - I will be playing again - this was taken on the speaker in a noisy room just to check if it downloaded ok.
I think it did :-)
[PY2NY] 17/04/2006
You can see how will be easy for everybody be better than me in any competittion... Nice to have RUFZ on Windows now…
[JA7FYF] 17/04/2006
Just my 1st attempt