Logo rev. 03/10/07
RufXP Revision History

= Version 1.1.2 =
- Now, during the record sending procedure, the user title is correctly set (previously, was always set to OM) - tnx N3EOP;
- International Toplist age categories changed to reflect the new IARU rules (have a look at the International Toplist window - CTRL+F12);

= Version 1.1.1 =
- The progressive attempt number, visible in the Scoreboard window, was wrong in case the attempt was aborted and not saved: now, it's correctly updated;
- Trainer option windows problem fixed: after upgrading, a wrong "slashed calls" value in configuration file can cause a RufzXP crash - tnx K0RC;
- Results window: the RTF exporting procedure has been fixed (reported always YES in "TX Twice" field) - tnx K0RC;
- The following target folder are remembered: scoreboard data import folder; scoreboard data export folder; attempt result export folder; user photo selection folder - request of K0RC;
- In International Toplist window, now the Topspeed list is loaded only once - tnx NE8R;
- The "Search for upgrades" procedure now works - tnx NE8R;
- Help file fixed: in "color code" table, the images were missing - tnx IV3NCC;
- Some wording improvements - tnx various callsigns;
- Now, during the attempt, HOME and END keys move the cursor at the beginning and at the end of the word (instead of changing the volume) - tnx W2UP;
- Now, in case of "quick start" after aborting an attempt without saving it, the first callsign is transmitted;
- New VIGM mode (Visually Impaired Graphic Mode): the progress label is changed to reflects, during the attempt, all the main values (progress call number, score, wrong calls, max speed and tx speed). Can be actived in 2 ways: from the OS command line (RufzXP -vigm) and/or from RufzXP prompt (as soon as the attempt starts, instead of writing the own callsign it's possible to switch the mode on typing VIGMON or off with VIGMOFF) - request of IZ4APU;
- "Send Record" routine improved;
- New uninstaller procedure: possibility added to choose if RufzXP related data, like scoreboards, attempt data, images, etc., etc. to be kept or deleted;
- New "Incremental speed" mode, selectable only during the trainer mode (Settings F11). If selected, the speed will be incremented only: in case of wrong reception, it'll remain fixed (not decreased) - request of W2UP;

= Version 1.1.0 =
This version works on 32 and 64 bit computer architecture!

- In Result window, the fonts has been changed to improve the readability for software for blinds and visually impaired people - tnx IZ4APU;
- Attempt aborting procedure improved; now, if the "Abort button", the ESC or F10 key is pressed during an attempt (not for contest modes!), there's also the possibility to stop the attempt without saving the results: in this case no secondary window is displayed, giving the possibility to start a new attempt immediately - Request of W2UP;
- Added the possibility to export the selected records to a "comma separated value" file (*.csv) - Request of PY2YP;
- Added a context menu (right click) to the scoreboard and results windows;
- At the end of the attempt, the AR signal is sent at last used speed;
- If an attempt is deleted from the Scoreboard, the related data file (in Attempt folder) is also removed - Request of W2UP;
- International TopList support added! Now, it's possible to select a record from the scoreboard (or, if requested from the main windown, the first score record is chosen) and compare it with the international results: the "temporary rank" is immediately displayed. The ITL is downloaded from RufzXP web site and a copy is stored on the local pc for later usage: as soon as it expires, a new one can be retrieved;
- International TopSpeed list support added! Same as International TopList support but the selected record is compared with the TopSpeed list: 
it's included within the ITL and, consequently, downloaded at the same time;

- In case of new record (score or speed), a popup window asks the user to publish it on the  International TopList web site (only for TopList and HST modes);
- If "Send record" is pressed from the main window, the last performed attempt is selected: if no attempt was performed during the RufzXP session, the first record present in the scoreboard is sent;
- New "Update" window  added; it's possible to schedule or check immediately if a new RufzXP version is available: in case it is, there's also the possibility to download it immediately.
- The "First score record shortcut" in the scoreboard window (pressing the "top score" label highlight the related record in the list) has been improved: now, the first eligible score record is selected (acquired with RufzXP 1.x.x), independently from the label displayed value;
- The "First speed record shortcut" in the scoreboard window (pressing the "top speed" label highlight the related record in the list) has been improved: now, the first eligible speed record is selected (acquired with RufzXP 1.x.x), independently from the label displayed value;
- Security scoreboard backup added. Before deleting data from the scoreboard, a backup copy is always saved (same file name with the extension "bak"): to recover the deleted record(s), just rename the extension to "scb", in case of main scoreboards, or "tsb" for trainer mode;
- Trainer mode bug fixed (error during the attempt generation) - tnx PY2YP;
- Scoreboard filter: now, the "Whole list" item is always the first in the list - request of IZ4APU;
- New keyboard shortcuts in Scoreboard window: have a look ;-) - request of IZ4APU;
- Result window filter: thanks to a new menu, it's possible to show only the wrong received callsigns or the whole list - request of IZ4APU;
- New RufzXP updater;
- Non standard International Settings
 support added (for example, in case the OS decimal separator has been changed)
: the exception is handled - tnx to I1URL
- New window, from help menu, to manage the upgrading procedure: now, it's possible to schedule the update check (daily, weekly and monthly) and the mode (manual, automatic and never) - From the same window, it's also possible to perform an immediate check;
- Attempt data exportation procedures fixed (wrong tabs) and improved;
- Scoreboard window: callsign filter improved;
- Scoreboard window: printing procedure fixed (exception if the scoreboard displaying mode is changed);

- During Contest and HST modes, the exit procedure (F10) was bugged (wrong label text): fixed;
- Starting bug fixed. The Default button, pressed during the first RufzXP start, caused an exception error - tnx DK9HE;
- Now, RufzXP "remembers" its position on the desktop (restarts exactly in the same place it was closed) - request of W2UP;
- For security reasons, during HST and Contest Modes the attempt is always saved on hard disk (Attempts folder);
- When the attempt is saved on the HD (if requested), any slash in the callsign is replaced by an underline;
- Attempt per user limiter now works;
- Main windows resizing, while changing from/to hidden modes, fixed;
- New hidden modes: during TopList and Trainer modes, the attempt will be completely hidden; on the contrary, during HST and Contest modes, the Current Score and Speed fields will be displayed;
- Scoreboard window: now, it's possible to export the selected records to a text (*.txt) file;
- Scoreboard window: new "Export whole list" menu item added;
- Scoreboard window: new importing procedure; now it's possible to import multiple scoreboards in a snap;
- New global attempt counter: now, it's strictly related to the active scoreboard;
- Scoreboard attempt counter (not the rank!) renumbering fixed - tnx IZ4APU;
- Records importing procedure: bug fixed - TNX IZ4APU;
- Frequency field added to Result window;

- Trainer settings: added the possibility to set the "minimum" and "maximum" number of characters for variable group length;

= Version 1.0.0 =
Scoreboard from beta version will be automatically imported, but only scores
originally created by official versions are eligible for RufzXP Toplist.

- Installer changed due to problems with multi-byte character sets - Thanks to JG1VGX and JE1CKA/KH0AM;
- In "Scoreboard" windows, the record selection via the keyboard (CTRL or SHIFT keys + Space bar or mouse) has been fixed and enhanced - tnx IZ4APU;
- Scoreboard filter fixed and enhanced;
- In Option windows, the speed selector is always enabled - Request of K3CT;
- Time out timer added to the Training mode: if wished, a user can select to use a timer to be forced to finish the attempt before a selected limit (in minutes) - Request of YU7NU;
- In User Window, the "Save record" button has been removed (quite useless, isn't it? :-) );
- In results window, fonts has been uniformed;
- Trainer mode: attempt generation with chosen characters improved;
- Trainer mode: HST rules implemented (Identical characters next to each other will not be sent more than twice);
- NEW TRAINER MODE (Ham code): to improve the "real world" CW reception, the commonly used abbreviations are sent during the training session (excerptions from Q code and 92 code also included);
- Help files updated;
- New updater: during the installation, all the scoreboards are converted and the old records imported;
- New version without installer (zip archive): now, you can enjoy RufzXP also from a USB pen! :-);
- RufzXP mailing list created: please, join us :-D!!! Support added through the help menu;

= Version 0.1.3 =
- In "Attempt results" window, if a line is double-clicked (or the Return key pressed) the displayed callsign is retransmitted;
- In Option window, the speed scale selector has been changed to a comboBox;
- Symbols "question mark" and "comma" switched; sorry, guys: can happens! ;-) - tnx YU7NU;
- The trainer attempts data are kept separated from the others and saved in a dedicated scoreboard (*.tsb);
- Installer problem solved: now, it checks if the required libraries are installed - tnx Alexey;
- Characters set changed (Result windows) to improve the readability for software for blinds and visually impaired people - tnx IZ4APU;
- Added the possibility to export and import a single or a group of records from a scoreboard (during the installation, the old scoreboard is backupped and the records split up to 2 new scoreboards) - request of IZ4APU;
- In case of error during the sending via the SMTP server, the dialog buttons are correctly enabled;
- Sending window buttons management improved;
- Results window: the number of transmitted callsign is displayed;
- Length of user's callsign limited to 8 characters;
- Added two help menu items to contact the authors via the default local email client and via a web form (if connected to Internet);

= Version 0.1.2 =
- Help file size reduced;
- When "Ask callsign" option is checked, the related "Default callsign" control is disabled - tnx IV3NCC;
- Attempt ending procedure fixed (when the Return key was pressed repeatedly at the end of the attempt, an exception was raised) - tnx EU7KI, DJ9NMH;
- Trainer: the maximum number of groups per attempt has been raised to 9999 - request of EU7KI;
- Experimental support for PC Speaker removed (due to timing problems) - tnx IK7JWY;
- CPM to WPM (and back) speed rounding enhanced;
- CPM to WPM (and back) conversion, in Trainer mode, fixed - tnx K3CT;
- Record exporting procedure fixed and enhanced;
- Attempt counter enhanced (now, shows the real number of performed attempt) - tnx IZ4APU;
- The "exit" menu item (F10) now works - tnx K0RC, WT9U, DL7PGA, F6FNL;
- Local SMTP server encoding problem fixed - tnx IK7JWY;
- Email format unified (date fields);
- Checksum code enhanced;
- Speed computation (rounding) enhanced;

= Version 0.1.1 =
- CallBase updated (minor bugs fixed);
- Re-transmission bug fixed (after F6 has been pressed, it was allowed to send the callsign before the end of transmission) - tnx M0RHI;
- The CPM/WPM converter (option Form) is always enabled - tnx W2UP;
- The speed scale conversion (CPM<-->WPM) now works properly and the related speeds table is loaded with the right values - tnx W2UP;
- During the attempt, the speed is correctly updated also using the WPM scale;
- During trainer mode, the "minus" symbol, if not requested, is replaced by the slash key. If the official "embedded" callbase is used (trainer mode: personal callbase), the replacement is done - tnx DL8DWW;
- In each form, pressing F1 key opens the help file;
- Trainer mode slash key replacement: problem with localized keyboards fixed;
- Volume control added in the option form (could be useful during first setup);
- The translation of the speed scale string is properly handled;
- Scoreboard format updated: now includes also the software version
- RufzXP updater support: now, any format change to the configuration file is done automatically;
- Callsigns always in uppercase (automatic conversion)!;
- New Trainer: the group length can be selected starting from 1 character up to 12;

= Version 0.1.0 =
First beta release (20.12.2005);